Octal Number System
Octal Number
Number system has a base with 8 is known as octal number. It has eight possible digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Octal Number to Decimal conversion:
The format used in octal number is:
or in simple form it is : 512, 64, 8, 1
convert (2154)8 into decimal number is
Note : - 2154 has a base 8 because it indicate the number is in octal form.
Now multiply the number according to the format of octal number as shown in figure 1. And after multiply simply add the number to get the result.
Octal to Binary conversion:
Octal number is also known as a 3 bit binary number because each digit of an octal number is represented by three binary digits.
For convert an octal number into binary just replace the octal digit by three binary bits.
Example: convert the following octal number (412)8 into binary number (?)2.
Number system has a base with 8 is known as octal number. It has eight possible digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Octal Number to Decimal conversion:
The format used in octal number is:
83 82 81 80
or in simple form it is : 512, 64, 8, 1
convert (2154)8 into decimal number is
Note : - 2154 has a base 8 because it indicate the number is in octal form.
![]() |
figure 1 |
(2154)8 = (4 x 1) + (5 x 8) + (1 x 64) + (2 x 512) = (1132)10
Divide the decimal number by 8 every time as shown in the figure 2 to get the result.
Note:- 1132 has a base 10 because it indicate the number is in decimal form.
so, the conversion of octal number (2154)8 in decimal form is (1132)10.
Decimal to octal conversion
Converting a decimal number into an octal number is obtain
by the repeated division by 8 method.
Example 1: Convert the decimal number (266)10
into octal number (?)8
Solution:![]() |
figure 2 |
so, the conversion of decimal number (266)10 into octal number is (412)8 .
(266)10 = (412)8
Example 2: Convert the following decimal number (120)10 into octal number (?)8
solution :Apply same method as above.
![]() |
figure 3 |
Divide the decimal number by 8 every time as shown in the figure 3 to get the result.
so, the conversion of decimal number (120)10 into octal number is (170)8 .
(120)10 = (170)8
Octal to Binary conversion:
Octal number is also known as a 3 bit binary number because each digit of an octal number is represented by three binary digits.
![]() |
figure 4 |
Example: convert the following octal number (412)8 into binary number (?)2.
solution: (412)8 = (?)2
4 = 100
1 = 001
2 = 010
so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (412)8 = (100 001 010)2
Note: Binary number (100 001 010)2 has a base 2 because it indicate the number is in binary form.
Example 2: convert the following octal number (526)8 into binary number (?)2.
solution: (526)8 = (?)2
5 = 101
2 = 010
6 = 110
so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (526)8 = (101 010 110)2
Example 3: convert the following octal number (170)8 into binary number (?)2.
solution: (170)8 = (?)2
Binary to Octal conversion:
Binary number can be converted to octal number by making groups of three bits starting from LSB and moving towards MSB.
Example 1: convert the binary number ( 100 010 110 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 100 010 110
4 2 6
= (426)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 100 010 110 ) is (426)8
Note: The number (426)8 has a base 8 because it represents the number is in octal form.
Example 2: convert the binary number ( 010 110 111 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 010 110 111
2 6 7
= (267)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 010 110 111 ) is (267)8
Example 3: convert the binary number ( 111 110 000 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 111 110 000
7 6 0
= (760)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 111 110 000 ) is (760)8
1 = 001
7 = 111
0 = 000
so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (170)8 = (001 111 000)2Binary to Octal conversion:
Binary number can be converted to octal number by making groups of three bits starting from LSB and moving towards MSB.
Example 1: convert the binary number ( 100 010 110 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 100 010 110
4 2 6
= (426)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 100 010 110 ) is (426)8
Note: The number (426)8 has a base 8 because it represents the number is in octal form.
Example 2: convert the binary number ( 010 110 111 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 010 110 111
2 6 7
= (267)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 010 110 111 ) is (267)8
Example 3: convert the binary number ( 111 110 000 ) into octal number (?)8
solution: 111 110 000
7 6 0
= (760)8
so, the conversion of binary number ( 111 110 000 ) is (760)8
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