Octal Number System - Engineering-Notes

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Octal Number System

Octal Number System

Octal Number
Number system has a base with 8 is known as octal number. It has eight possible digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.

Octal Number to Decimal conversion:
The format used in octal number is:

                      83   82   81   80

or in simple form it is : 512,  64,  8,   1

convert  (2154)8  into decimal number is
Note : - 2154 has a base 8 because it indicate the number is in octal form.
figure 1
Now multiply the number according to the format of octal number as shown in figure 1. And after multiply simply add the number to get the result.

(2154)8   = (4 x 1) + (5 x 8) + (1 x 64) + (2 x 512) =  (1132)10

Note:- 1132 has a base 10 because it indicate the number is in decimal form.

so, the conversion of octal number (2154)8  in decimal form is (1132)10.

Decimal to octal conversion
Converting a decimal number into an octal number is obtain by the repeated division by 8 method.

 Example 1: Convert the decimal number (266)10 into octal number (?)8
figure 2
Divide the decimal number by 8 every time as shown in the figure 2 to get the result.
so, the conversion of decimal number  (266)10   into octal number is (412)8 .
                 (266)10    =   (412)8

Example 2: Convert the following  decimal number (120)10  into octal number  (?)8
solution :Apply same method as above.
figure 3
Divide the decimal number by 8 every time as shown in the figure 3 to get the result.
so, the conversion of decimal number  (120)10   into octal number is (170)8 .
                 (120)10    =   (170)8

Octal to Binary conversion:
 Octal number is also known as a 3 bit binary number because each digit of an octal number is represented by three binary digits.
figure 4
 For convert an octal number into binary just replace the octal digit by three binary bits.

Example: convert the following octal number  (412)8  into binary number (?)2.
solution:              (412)8  =  (?)2   
4 = 100
1 = 001
2 = 010
          so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (412)8   = (100  001  010)2 

 Note: Binary number (100  001  010)2  has a base 2 because it indicate the number is in binary form.

Example 2: convert the following octal number  (526)8  into binary number (?)2.
solution:              (526)8  =  (?)2   
5 = 101
2 = 010
6 = 110
          so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (526)  = (101  010  110)2

Example 3: convert the following octal number  (170)8  into binary number (?)2.
solution:              (170)8  =  (?)2   
1 = 001
7 = 111
0 = 000
          so, the conversion of octal number into binary number is (170)  = (001  111  000)2

Binary to Octal conversion:
Binary number can be converted to octal number by making groups of three bits starting from LSB and moving towards MSB.

Example 1: convert the binary number ( 100  010   110 ) into octal number (?)
solution:              100    010   110
                              4         2       6

                      = (426)
so, the conversion of binary number ( 100  010   110 ) is (426)8

Note: The number (426)8  has a base 8 because it represents the number is in octal form.

Example 2: convert the binary number ( 010  110   111 ) into octal number (?)
solution:              010    110   111
                              2         6       7

                      = (267)
so, the conversion of binary number ( 010  110   111 ) is (267)8

Example 3: convert the binary number ( 111  110   000 ) into octal number (?)
solution:              111    110   000
                              7        6       0

                      = (760)
so, the conversion of binary number ( 111  110   000 ) is (760)8

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